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My Story


The Drive to eLearning 

From a literary researcher/educator to an innovative eLearning designer, my career journey has consistently revolved around a singular mission: to leverage the dynamic interplay of storytelling and design thinking.

What distinguishes me as a learning designer is my unique ability to harness the power of storytelling and design thinking for scenario-based and gamified learning. With a foundation in juvenile literature and environmental education, coupled with an intuitive empathic nature, I possess the distinctive capability to comprehend various perspectives. This enables me to craft imaginative content and learning experiences that are rich in detail, firmly grounded in reality, and highly relevant to the learner.

I find immense joy in connecting with others and making a meaningful impact. Simultaneously, there's a yearning for my creative side to shine, which is precisely why learning experience design is the ideal avenue for me.


The Background Story

As an eLearning developer and designer, my passion for creating engaging learning experiences is deeply rooted in my Taiwanese heritage. However, I expanded my horizons by pursuing my education in the UK and launching my career in the vibrant city of Boston, USA. Throughout my professional journey, I have held roles in private and public organizations, focusing specifically on eLearning and experience design.

Signposts of Life

Apart from creating learning designs for people, I actively channel my passion for creating a positive impact by volunteering with diverse environmental, cultural, and innovation organizations. Working collaboratively with others to bring about change is an essential aspect of my identity.

Other than being a designer, I am also a beekeeper, a chicken tender (no pun intended), a naturalist and a runner. Life's an adventure, and I'm here for all the twists and turns.